Kurdistan Regional Government
SAT, 27 JUL 2024 09:40 Erbil, GMT +3

You are viewing Kurdistan Regional Government's 8th cabinet website.
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Latest Articles

President of the Kurdistan Region tasks Masrour Barzani to form the new KRG cabinet

THU, 13 JUN 2019 11:10

President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani has tasked Masrour Barzani, as Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, to form the ninth ministerial cabinet.

Deloitte report on Oil and Gas review in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region – Q4 of 2018

THU, 30 MAY 2019 02:31

Today, Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs has published new verified data on the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports, consumption and revenues, covering the period from 1 October 2018 to 31 December 2018, after a review of the sector by the international “Big 4” audit and consulting firm, Deloitte.

Prime Minister Barzani meets Patriarch of Assyrian Church of the East

MON, 20 MAY 2019 20:34

Prime Minister Barzani receives U.S. Consul General

MON, 20 MAY 2019 17:25

Prime Minister Barzani receives Belarusian Ambassador

FRI, 17 MAY 2019 11:45

Prime Minister Barzani receives British Ambassador

THU, 16 MAY 2019 09:28

Prime Minister Barzani meets with UN Envoy

TUE, 14 MAY 2019 12:12

Prime Minister Barzani receives new UAE Consul-General

TUE, 7 MAY 2019 11:29

Prime Minister Barzani receives UK delegation

SUN, 5 MAY 2019 20:41

Prime Minister Barzani receives Egypt's new Consul to Kurdistan Region

WED, 1 MAY 2019 19:03