Kurdistan Regional Government
SAT, 27 JUL 2024 05:52 Erbil, GMT +3

You are viewing Kurdistan Regional Government's 8th cabinet website.
For updated information about Kurdistan Regional Government
visit current cabinet's web portal at GOV.KRD please

Natural Resources

The official website of the KRG Ministry of Natural Resources

The Kurdistan Region Oil & Gas Law

Production sharing agreements signed by the KRG Ministry of Natural Resources


Registering an oil and gas services company in the Kurdistan Region

The Kurdistan Oil and Gas Humanitarian Initiative

Dr. Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Natural Resources

Independent Expert Opinions


Deloitte report on Oil and Gas review in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region – Q4 of 2018

THU, 30 MAY 2019 02:31

Today, Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs has published new verified data on the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports, consumption and revenues, covering the period from 1 October 2018 to 31 December 2018, after a review of the sector by the international “Big 4” audit and consulting firm, Deloitte.

Statement from the KRG Spokesperson

THU, 28 FEB 2019 20:27

Kurdistan Regional Government Spokesperson Safeen Dizayee issued a statement on false press reports published on yesterday’s meeting of the Kurdistan Regional Government Oil and Gas Council.

Deloitte report on Oil and Gas review in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region - Q3 of 2018

WED, 27 FEB 2019 17:45

Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs has published new verified data on the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports, consumption and revenues, covering the period from 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2018, after a review of the sector by the international “Big 4” audit and consulting firm, Deloitte.