Kurdistan Regional Government
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KRG: Closure of Kurdistan Region’s airspace is unconstitutional and collective punishment against people of Kurdistan

SAT, 30 SEP 2017 13:33 | KRG Cabinet

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (cabinet.gov.krd) - The Kurdistan Regional Government criticizes Iraqi federal government's decision to suspend flights to and from Erbil and Sulaymaniya international airports, calling the decision unconstitutional and a collective punishment against the people of Kurdistan.

The Spokesperson of Kurdistan Regional Government, Safeen Dizayee, released a statement on Friday in response to Iraqi Prime Minister's Media Office's announcement of the closure of the airports in the Kurdistan Region. 

Below is the statement:

1 - The closure of the Kurdistan Region airports is a collective punishment and a blockade against the entire population of Kurdistan. It demonstrates the continued legal and humanitarian violations against the people of Kurdistan, under the pretext of enforcing Iraqi federal authority. The airports in the Kurdistan Region, since their construction, are operating in accordance with the Iraqi constitution and laws. Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority has formally commended the operations of these airports on multiple occasions. Iraqi teams have inspected and monitored both airports regularly. 

2 - The decision to close Kurdistan airspace prevents patients and wounded soldiers in the fight against ISIS terror group from getting the necessary medical treatment abroad; some of them are in need of continued medical care. Many aid and humanitarian organizations, who were helping the Yezidi victims of ISIS atrocities and refugees, are forced to cease their operations and leave Kurdistan. Many Kurdish, Christian and Sunni Arab families, who were forced to flee Iraq, will not be able to reunite with their loved ones in Kurdistan.

3 - This decision violates the freedom of movement and the right to travel of the Kurdistan Region people. Such a right is guaranteed in Iraqi constitution, international treaties, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. This decision also prevents thousands of Kurdistan businesses from engaging in free trade with foreign countries.

4 - The Kurdistan Regional Government has asked the Iraqi government to let relevant authorities from the Kurdistan Region and the federal government to address any concerns and issues. Unfortunately, the Iraqi government rejected dialogue and negotiations, which shows that the flight ban decision is merely a political decision.

5 - We, once again, ask the Iraqi Government to stop collective punishment of the people of Kurdistan through unconstitutional and politically motivated actions; we also ask the United Nations to help end the continued violations against the people of Kurdistan. It has been four years since the Iraqi Government unilaterally cut the constitutionally mandated Kurdistan's share of the federal budget, at a time when Kurdistan was fighting the largest terrorist organization in the world and helping protect and provide for different ethnic and religious groups in Iraq and Syria. Despite severe financial difficulties, Kurdistan has been a safe haven for nearly two million refugees and internally displaced persons, and its military force, the Peshmerga, has provided their utmost support to the Iraqi Army.

Safeen Dizayee
Kurdistan Regional Government Spokesperson